Join the 2023 Smith Island Fishing Tournament!!!
Smith Island
Fishing Tournament
May 19 - 21, 2023
Register here! 2023 Smith Island Fishing Tournament | iAnglerTournament
The Smith Island Fishing Tournament, founded in 2022, celebrates the culture of this iconic Chesapeake Bay community. Proceeds benefit the Smith Island Cultural Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to preserving its people, culture, and natural beauty.
Funds to go the Smith Island Culture Center for improvement projects:
**“Our museum and folklife center celebrates more than 350 years of continued maritime tradition.” The funds will help expand exhibits and the collections to preserve the unique history of Smith Island and the Chesapeake Bay, open to all visitors.***
Scoring Guidelines:
It is a 3 day tournament.
Prizes will be awarded for the top "Smith Island Slam", which is a 3 fish stringer of the following:
Rockfish (striped bass for the non locals ;-)
Spotted Seatrout (Speck)